October 2nd, 2020

posted by Andrew Blomme on 10/2/2020 in Weekly Newsletter

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Week of October 2, 2020

Andrew Blomme


This week brought some long-awaited news for soybean growers. On Monday, the EU approved Bayer's the XtendFlex trait, and on Wednesday we got a very bullish USDA report. This week we will talk about the XtendFlex trait approval and its effect for future decision making. 


XtendFlex Trait

XtendFlex Logo

With the EU's approval of the XtendFlex trait, seed companies in the US are able to release XtendFlex varieties for 2021. It is estimated that there is enough seed available for 20 million acres, offered primarily through the Bayer seed brands. XtendFlex gives growers the option to apply Liberty for post emergent weed control. XtendFlex soybeans are resistant to glyphosate (RoundUp), dicamba (Xtendimax, Engenia, FeXapan), and glufosinate (Liberty). As of today, most formulations of dicamba are not labelled for over the top application in Xtend or XtendFlex soybeans. If those dicamba products (Xtendimax, Engenia, FeXapan) don't get re-registered or get registered without a post emerge application label then Liberty, RoundUp, and possibly a PPO are a grower's only effective options for post emerge weed control. Herbers Seed will not apply dicamba post emerge in soybeans in 2021 even if the EPA restores the labels. 


Enlist Trait

Enlist E3 Logo

The Enlist E3 trait is continuing to gain market share in the soybean industry. More seed companies and farmers are choosing to move forward with the Enlist trait in their lineup. Enlist soybeans are resistant to glyphosate (RoundUp), 2-4,D (Enlist One, Enlist Duo), and glufosinate (Liberty). All three of those products are available for late season weed control giving growers more options. The weed control in Enlist fields in 2020 has been exceptional and yields of several Enlist varieties are on the top end of soybean yields in the area. 

Future of Soybean Traits

There will be a lot of changes from 2020 to 2021. Seed companies, most notably Corteva and Syngenta, are starting to move towards the Enlist trait in a big way. Bayer will continue to promote the Xtend system through its seed brands such as Asgrow and Channel. The market share of Enlist soybeans is estimated to grow by 30-40% for 2021. With this growth, supplies will be tight for Enlist soybeans.

Herbers Seed has already secured our Enlist soybean supply for 2021, providing security for our customers seed decisions. We are very pleased with the Enlist soybeans both in terms of yield and weed control and are excited to make them a bigger part of our lineup for 2021.

Every operation has different needs and one trait may work better than the other for your 2021 soybean acres. If you have questions about those decisions, Lou or I will be able to help. 

About The Author

Andrew Blomme
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